Kathy Urbanski

Hello, I’m Kathy—a dedicated family woman, avid nature enthusiast, and a seasoned expert in navigating the path to financial freedom. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, my educational background lays the foundation for understanding the human aspects behind financial decisions, enriching my approach to family finance with empathy and insight. As a Google Certified Project Manager and an expert in Google Analytics, I bring a wealth of knowledge in digital strategy and online visibility. My certifications from Digital Marketer in Email Marketing and Inbound Social Media Marketing further my ability to connect with families digitally, offering them valuable resources and insights to kickstart their journey towards financial independence. Professionally, I lead as an SEO Project Leader at a leading boutique SEO agency in Boulder, Colorado. My expertise has not only propelled businesses to the forefront of their industries but has also been instrumental in crafting a strategic approach to my family’s financial growth. This unique blend of professional achievements and certifications equips me with the tools to guide other families towards achieving their financial goals with confidence. Beyond my desk, I’m a CrossFit enthusiast, an avid hiker, and a lover of nature. These passions keep me grounded and remind me of the importance of a life well-lived—not just in financial terms, but in the wealth of experiences, happiness, and time spent with loved ones. Through this blog, I aim to share my journey towards financial freedom, drawing on my professional expertise and personal experiences. My goal is to retire in the next 3-5 years, enjoying a life enriched with what truly matters—family, nature, and freedom. I invite you to join me and many other families on this journey, sharing insights, support, and practical advice to help each other achieve financial independence and live our dreams to the fullest. Let’s empower each other to make informed financial decisions, leveraging our collective knowledge and experiences to build a community where financial freedom is accessible to all.

The Pros and Cons of Using a Financial Advisor for Your Family’s Wealth Management

Hey fellow moms! Managing a family’s finances can sometimes feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle! With so many responsibilities on our plates, it’s no wonder that many of us consider getting some professional help to handle our family’s wealth. Enter the financial advisor. But is it really worth it? Let’s break down …

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The Benefits of Teaching Your Kids About Personal Finance for Their Future

Hey moms! Have you ever wondered how to set your kids up for success in life? Well, one of the best gifts we can give them is a solid understanding of money — and that means teaching your kids about personal finance. I know it might sound a bit daunting, but trust me, it’s easier …

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How to Start a Family Trust for Your Estate Planning Needs

Hey, moms! Let’s talk about something super important but often overlooked – estate planning. I know, it sounds like one of those complicated legal things that you might want to put off, but trust me, it’s crucial for ensuring our family’s future is secure. One of the best ways to handle estate planning is by …

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The Best Ways to Save Money on Your Family’s Healthcare Expenses

Hey fellow moms! Let’s be real – your family’s healthcare expenses can be a major drain on our budgets. Between doctor visits, prescriptions, and emergency situations, it feels like there’s always something coming up. But don’t worry! I’ve gathered some tried-and-true tips that can help us all save money on our family’s healthcare expenses. Let’s …

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How to Create a Family Financial Plan for Your Growing Family

Hey there, fellow moms! We all know that managing a growing family is no small feat. Between the school runs, soccer practices, and those never-ending piles of laundry, finding time to create a solid financial plan might feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got this! Let’s dive into some easy and practical steps to set …

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How to Budget for Your Family’s Summer Vacation

Hey Moms! Summer is almost here, and we all know what that means—it’s time to plan that much-needed family summer vacation! Whether you’re dreaming of sandy beaches, mountain hikes, or exploring a new city, making it happen without breaking the bank can feel like a challenge. But don’t worry, I’ve got some tried-and-true tips to …

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The Best Ways to Save Money on Your Family’s Home Maintenance Expenses

Hey there, fellow moms! We all know managing a household isn’t just about keeping the kids alive and the fridge stocked (though, let’s be honest, those are pretty big tasks on their own!). It also means taking care of our homes, which can really stretch the budget on the family’s home maintenance expenses! So, let’s …

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How to Start a Family Investment Partnership for Your Portfolio Diversification

Hey everyone! Navigating the world of investing can be quite the adventure, especially when we’re trying to set up something sustainable not just for us but for our kids too. Have you ever thought about starting a family investment partnership? It’s like creating a mini mutual fund run by your family, for your family. It’s …

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