The Benefits of Creating a Financial Vision Board for Your Family’s Goals

Hey lovely moms out there, I hope you’re all doing wonderfully! Today, I’m super excited to chat about something that might just be the secret ingredient we’ve been missing in our family management cookbook – creating a financial vision board.

Now, before you think I’m going all corporate on you, let me explain. This isn’t about suits and boardrooms; it’s about dreams and goals, and making them a reality for you and your family. Think of it as a fun, creative way to get everyone on the same page about what you all really want from life, beyond just making it through the daily grind.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s dive into how a simple board can bring your family closer and set you on a path to achieving those dreams.

mom creating financial vision board with daughter



What is a Financial Vision Board?

A financial vision board is like your family’s financial wishlist turned into a colorful and inspiring collage. It’s basically a picture of what you want your family and personal finances to be.

Imagine a board filled with pictures, quotes, and symbols that represent all the financial goals you’re dreaming of for your family – from saving up for a dream vacation and buying a new home to ensuring a bright educational future for the kids.

As Wonga puts it, “A financial vision board can help you bridge the mental gap between your finances and your dreams. A vision board is a collection of words, phrases, images, and quotes that are inspirational. It represents your future objectives, resources, and plans for achieving them.”

How does it differ from a traditional vision board?

This board isn’t just about dreaming big; it’s a visual and daily reminder of what we’re working towards, making our financial goals feel real and achievable. It’s about taking those abstract numbers and turning them into something tangible and exciting, something that speaks directly to our hearts as well as our minds.

Redwood puts it nicely, “Visualizing your goals using pictures instead of numbers can be a very impactful way to help you save. Unlike traditional vision boards, a financial vision board specifically relates to your finances, whether it’s saving money for a vacation or future home, getting out of debt, or increasing your income. And when you do it as a family, it has the bonus of helping you work as a team toward your various goals.”

mom listing down financial goals


What Should Go on Your Financial Vision Board?

Your financial vision board should be a vibrant mix of your short-term and long-term financial goals, personalized to reflect what’s most important to your family. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Images of your dream home if trying to save money for a house is on your list.
  • Pictures of holiday destinations for that family vacation you’ve been dreaming about.
  • Educational toys or books to symbolize saving money and investing in your children’s education.
  • Motivational quotes about saving, investing, and making dreams come true, to keep the financial spirits high.
  • Charts or graphs to track progress towards big savings goals, like going debt-free, emergency fund, college funds, or retirement.

Think of it as a visual bucket list for your family’s financial aspirations. Each item on the board is a promise to yourself and your loved ones, a step towards turning those dreams into reality.

Creating Your Money Vision Board for Financial Freedom

Creating a financial vision board is a fun and effective way to set your family’s financial goals and make them more tangible. Here are the steps to create your own, ensuring it’s both inspiring and functional:

1. Set Clear Financial Goals

Before you start cutting and pasting, sit down as a family and discuss what financial goals you want to achieve. These could range from short-term objectives like saving for a vacation, to long-term goals like college funds or paying off the mortgage. Be specific about what you want to achieve and by when.

2. Gather Your Materials

You’ll need a board (a corkboard, poster board, or even a digital board for those who prefer a tech-savvy approach), magazines, printed images, markers, scissors, glue, and anything else you’d like to include. If you’re aiming for a digital vision board, Pinterest or an online graphic design tool can be very handy.

And in terms of other resources, you can turn to professionals like your trusted financial advisor for more nuanced help, money management, and strategizing.

mom preparing a list for vision board


3. Find Your Inspiration

Start by searching for images that can be the visual representation of your financial goals. These could be photos, quotes, graphs showing savings growth, or even specific numbers representing your targets. You’re not just looking for things you want to buy; you’re visualizing the life you want to lead and the security you’re aiming to build.

4. Organize Your Board

Divide your board into sections based on categories such as savings, investments, debts to pay off, and dreams or wishes. This not only makes your board visually appealing but also helps in organizing your goals in a way that makes sense to you and your family.

5. Make It Interactive

Incorporate elements that can be updated or moved around, like a savings thermometer that you can color in as you get closer to your goal, or post-it notes for goals that might change over time. This keeps your vision board dynamic and reflective of your progress.

6. Involve the Whole Family

Make sure everyone in the family has a say in what goes on the board. This is a collaborative project that should reflect everyone’s aspirations and commitments. It’s also a great way to teach kids about financial planning and goal setting.

7. Choose a Prominent Location

Your vision board should be placed where it’s seen often. The more you see it, the more you’ll keep your goals top of mind. Consider hanging it in the living room, kitchen, or hallway — anywhere it will get regular visibility.

8. Plan for Check-ins

Schedule regular family meetings to review your progress toward the goals on your vision board. This is a time to celebrate achievements, reassess goals, and make adjustments as needed. It reinforces the importance of these goals and keeps everyone motivated.

Marie Christin Anthony puts it this way, “Typically a vision board is created for a year. However, being that some of your big financial goals take more than a year to achieve, it is essential to outline a realistic timeline. The objective is to commit to a date by which you want to achieve your goals. Each goal can have a different due date. I encourage you not to overthink the timeline, write what you think, and adjust as you know more.”

mom and son talk about what to put in vision board


9. Reflect and Revise

As time goes on, your goals and circumstances may change. Be open to updating your vision board to reflect these changes. The board is a living document of your financial journey and should evolve as you do.

10. Share Your Successes and Learnings

When you achieve a goal, celebrate it together as a family. Share what worked and what didn’t. This not only makes the achievements more rewarding but also turns them into learning experiences that can inform future goals.

How Can a Vision Board Assist You?

Vision boards serve as a powerful tool for realizing your dreams and goals, and their utility extends far beyond mere visualization. Here’s how a vision board can be a pivotal asset in your journey toward achieving your objectives:


First and foremost, creating a vision board forces you to take the time to explicitly articulate what you really want to achieve. It helps in transforming vague desires into clear and actionable goals. By selecting images and words that resonate with your aspirations, you’re mapping out a path that you want to follow. This clarity is invaluable as it guides your decisions and actions going forward.

Motivation and Inspiration

Seeing your vision board daily serves as a constant source of motivation and inspiration. On days when your resolve might waver or when obstacles seem insurmountable, your vision board is a tangible reminder of why you’re putting in the effort and what you’re working towards. It’s a motivational tool that keeps you fueled to persist through challenges.


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get distracted or lose sight of your long-term goals. A vision board keeps your aspirations in front of you, helping to maintain your focus on what’s truly important. It acts as a visual filter, empowering you to say no to distractions and stay concentrated on your objectives.

mom and son design vision board



Many believe in the power of manifestation – the idea that by visualizing and focusing on your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. Whether you see it as a spiritual practice or a psychological tool, a vision board can play a key role in this process. It helps reinforce your goals in your subconscious, aligning your thoughts and actions with your aspirations.


Sharing your vision board with others can add an element of accountability, encouraging you to follow through on your commitments. Knowing that family or friends are aware of your goals can be a powerful motivator to stay on track and make progress.

Creativity and Exploration

The process of creating a vision board can also spark creativity and open your mind to possibilities you hadn’t considered. As you search for images and words to represent your goals, you might discover new interests or ways of achieving your dreams that you hadn’t thought of before.

Emotional Connection

By using images and words that evoke a strong emotional response, your vision board helps to create a deep emotional connection with your goals. This emotional investment is key to staying driven and committed, even when the going gets tough.

Positive Reinforcement

Every time you glance at your vision board and see an image representing a goal you’ve achieved or are working towards, it serves as positive reinforcement. It reminds you of your capabilities and successes, boosting your confidence and encouraging you to continue pushing forward.

To Wrap Up

And there we have it, my fellow mom warriors! Wrapping up our little heart-to-heart on financial vision boards, I hope you’re feeling as inspired as I am. Remember, it’s not just about the end goal; it’s about the journey you embark on with your family. It’s those weekend afternoons spent giggling over magazines, the proud smiles when you tick off a goal, and the priceless lessons in teamwork and financial savvy you’re instilling in your kids.

So, let’s not wait to make our family’s dreams tangible. Let’s start today because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, and the second-best time is now. Cheers to our families’ futures, filled with joy, success, and all the wonderful things we can achieve together. Remember to dream big, start small, and believe in the power of unity.

After all, if we can manage bedtime routines, we can definitely create and conquer a financial vision board!

Kathy Urbanski

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