Week 19 Pregnancy: Your Baby & Your Pregnant Body


Welcome to the 19th week of your pregnancy! This is an exciting time for you and your baby as both of you grow in amazing ways. Your baby is already about six inches long and has begun to move around. Meanwhile, you may be feeling some physical changes yourself.

In this article, we’ll discuss some common developments during the 19th week of pregnancy. We’ll explore what changes you can expect in your baby. We will also tackle any physical and emotional shifts that may occur to you. Let’s get started!

Your Baby at Pregnancy Week 19

By now, your baby is around 8 ounces heavy and 6 inches big. That means they’re as big as a beef tomato! Their little body is continuing to grow and develop rapidly. This week, their eyes are becoming more and more sensitive to light. Their tiny bones are also beginning to harden while their eyelashes and eyebrows are growing in.

When it comes to movement, your baby is getting stronger by the day. You may start feeling them kick or roll around as they move inside your womb. They’ll even respond to sounds from outside of the uterus with jerky movements.

Changes to Your Body during Week 19

As your baby grows, so do you and your baby bump! You may be feeling a range of physical and emotional changes this week. Common ones can include the following:

Fatigue and Sleep Problems

You may be feeling exhausted this week. This is normal and could be linked to your baby’s growth spurts. Just take it easy and get plenty of rest when needed.

Swelling in Your Legs, Feet, or Hands

Water retention is common during pregnancy. You can reduce swelling by getting up and moving around frequently, elevating your legs, and drinking plenty of water.

Frequent Urination

Pregnancy hormones can cause your bladder to become irritable. So, you may feel the urge to pee more often. Taking a break from caffeine and limiting your intake of fluids before bedtime can help reduce urges at night.


Heartburn and Indigestion

You could experience heartburn or indigestion this week. This is due to your baby putting pressure in your stomach. Eating smaller meals or taking a walk after meals can help alleviate symptoms.

Round Ligament Pains

These sharp, shooting pains are normal during pregnancy. They occur when the ligaments that support your uterus stretch. To relieve pain, try resting on your side or gently stretching out the area.


Headaches are common during pregnancy and may be caused by hormonal shifts. Taking rest, drinking plenty of fluids, or applying a cold compress to your head can help ease pain.

Emotional Changes during Week 19 Pregnancy

Along with physical changes, you may experience emotional highs and lows this week. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that come up without judgement.

You may experience the following:

Mood Swings

You may feel happy one moment and upset the next. Allow yourself to express these feelings without shame or guilt. Remember to talk to your partner or a trusted friend if you need support.


It’s normal to feel anxious about the changes that pregnancy brings. Take deep breaths and practice mindful meditation to help you stay in the present moment.


You may also feel a mix of joy, excitement, and anticipation as your due date approaches. Enjoy this time by connecting with loved ones or taking some time for yourself to relax.

Week 19 pregnancy


Preparing for Pregnancy Week 19

You need to prepare for all the changes that may occur in pregnancy week 19. It’s important to take special care of yourself and your baby during this time. Here are some tips for preparing for the 19th week of pregnancy:

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Your diet should consist of plenty of the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean proteins
  • Healthy fats
  • Complex carbohydrates

Avoid processed foods or sugary snacks and drinks.

Stay Active

Exercise is important for your physical and mental health during pregnancy. Choose low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and yoga to keep active. Also, squeeze in some pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your core.

Make Time for Relaxation

Set aside time each day to relax and do something you enjoy. Spend time with loved ones, take a walk in nature, listen to music. Whatever helps you feel at ease.

Take Care of Your Body

Self-care is essential during pregnancy. Follow a skincare routine, get enough rest, and practice deep breathing exercises. You may also benefit from talking to a counselor or therapist if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Attend Prenatal Classes

These classes can help you prepare for childbirth and parenting. Many hospitals or clinics offer prenatal classes that provide important information on the following:

Some of your anxiety might be eased after attending these classes. After all, you are taking control of the situation and preparing for the upcoming changes.


Attend Your Doctor’s Appointments

You should attend regular check-ups with your doctor. These appointments help to monitor the progress of your baby’s growth and development. Your doctor will check the following:

  • Fetal movement
  • Uterine size
  • Amount of amniotic fluid
  • Blood pressure and weight

These check-ups will also help detect any potential problems. It’s important to keep up with these appointments for the safety of you and your baby.

Tips for a Healthy Week 19 of Pregnancy

Week 19 marks the beginning of the second trimester. This is an exciting time in your pregnancy, and you should take care of yourself to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Here are some tips:

  • Eat nutritious meals
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Avoid any strenuous activity
  • Listen to your body and take breaks when needed
  • Get support from your partner or family
  • Attend prenatal classes
  • Follow a skincare routine

Many moms document their pregnancy on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. You can even do a vlog to save this wonderful memory!

To Wrap Up

Congrats! You’ve made it to the 19th week of your pregnancy journey. Your baby is growing like a weed and you may feel tired or overwhelmed. But remember, this is all normal and part of the beauty of carrying a child. Hang in there mama – you’ve got this!

Kathy Urbanski

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