You’re almost there! Since the baby will arrive in a few weeks, make sure that you ready yourself both physically and emotionally. Put on the final prep work as much as you can. Here’s a complete guide you can follow when you’re 36 weeks pregnant.
How Big Is the Baby?
Your baby is most likely the size of a large cabbage. It’s approximately 18 inches in length (from crown to heel) and 5 to 6 pounds in weight.
Status of Your Baby
At 36 weeks pregnant, you should expect that your baby’s head will already be located down by your cervix. Don’t fret if your baby has not reached this position yet. Most babies will move towards the birth canal up to the last week or two of the pregnancy. The only problem with this is if your doctor suspects that your baby has a breech presentation, a case experienced by 1 in every 25 pregnancies.
A breech presentation refers to a baby not turning in the other direction. “Breech means that the baby’s bottom or feet are in the lower portion of the uterus, over the cervix,” Ashley Hickman Zink, M.D. explains. This orientation poses a high risk and will likely result in cesarean delivery. Once your doctor feels that this is the case in your pregnancy, he or she will order an ultrasound to confirm. Some doctors, however, send their patients into an external cephalic version (ECV). It is a nonsurgical method performed to try to turn the baby.
At this stage of the pregnancy, most of your baby’s systems are ready for life outside. In other words, they’re already mature. For instance, the immune system can already adequately protect the baby from infections outside the womb. His or her blood is circulating perfectly, as well.
Furthermore, your baby is ready for his or her first gasp of air as the lungs are now developed. While inside the womb, there is no risk of drowning since the lungs are still deflated. It will become fully functional once the baby takes the first breath of air and gets oxygen through the placenta.
One organ system that needs some finishing touches, however, is the digestive system. Take note that that this won’t fully mature until after birth because the baby has so far been relying on your umbilical cord for nutrition. It entails that the digestive system is not yet operational, even if it is already present. On average, it will take the child year or two to bring his or her digestion up to speed.
Changes in Your Body
Body Weight
You have probably gained around 25 to 35 pounds throughout your pregnancy. At 36 weeks pregnant, however, you don’t have to worry about the heaviness and added weight. It will most likely be an additional of 0.5 pounds per week from now on until the baby is born. Yasmin Holsey, M.D. says, “I always remind my patients that their bodies ARE going to change, and I encourage them to be OK with those changes, both during and following pregnancy.”
Pregnancy Waddle
Do you feel like you are walking like a penguin lately? Don’t worry; it’s not your imagination. Many moms are doing the penguin waddle since most of the hormones in your connective tissue are softening and loosening.
What’s happening here is a good thing since it’s more for the benefit of your baby. The softer and looser your joints are, the easier it is for your baby to pass through your pelvis. They will most likely be more flexible at this stage, mainly because they have grown at a large size already by this point. This activity by your hormones is just your body’s way of preparing itself to squeeze your baby out of a narrow space.
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 36
Braxton Hicks
Compared to past stages, you’ll probably experience more Braxton Hicks or practice contractions at 36 weeks pregnant. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the difference between Braxton Hicks and actual labor contractions so that you don’t mistake one for the other. According to Caitlyn Ranger, MD, “The intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions varies between approximately 5-25 mm Hg (a measure of pressure). “
If your womb muscles tighten and the stomach hardens for a short while and then softens again, then these are practice contractions. If you feel that they are becoming regular and more painful, then these are already labor contractions. Contact your labor ward as soon as possible once you experience the latter.
Because of all the discomfort that you are feeling, you might wake up in the middle of the night. In some cases, some soon-to-be mothers can’t even sleep at all! Add to this the emotional and mental pressure the pregnancy brings to you, especially now that you are only a few weeks away from your due date.
Whenever this happens, don’t get up and distract yourself by doing house chores. Just lie down and find some ways to relax, such as meditating or reading.
Pelvic Discomfort
Your breathing will be more relaxed and deeper at this stage. The reason for this is that the baby is starting to descend towards your pelvis. Hence, there is more space in your lungs for air to circulate. The downside with this, however, is that the pressure transfers to your pelvis. Aside from your baby’s head pressing deeper and deeper, your heavier uterus also weighs you down.
Leaking Urine
Don’t be too worried if you find yourself spurting a small amount of wee whenever you laugh or cough. It is only an effect of your pelvic floor muscles relaxing in preparation for labor.
Your baby’s body is crowding the walls of your digestive system. Therefore, it does not work the same way it did when you were not yet pregnant. With this in mind, try avoiding spicy, citrusy, greasy, and vinegary foods to help prevent heartburn as much as possible. You may also ask the advice of your doctor whether you are allowed to take antacids on the side.
Blame your belly again for having worse constipation. If you don’t want to experience such a dilemma, make sure that you won’t tax your digestive tract that much. Take small meals frequently instead of eating big ones a few times. This strategy is an excellent way to counteract constipation.
Swollen Ankles And Feet
As mentioned above, you have gained a massive amount of weight throughout the pregnancy. It means that you are carrying a lot of load as compared to before. Your body is also retaining more fluids at this stage. Because of this, it is not only your feet and ankles that will be swollen but also your hands, fingers, and face.
Don’t fret too much; this pain will completely disappear once you deliver your baby. If you’re feeling sudden or severe swelling, however, then it might be a sign of a critical medical condition. Make sure to contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Tips for the 36 Weeks Pregnant Mom
Take Note of Movement Changes
At 36 weeks pregnant, this stage is one of the most crucial weeks. Hence, you need to keep track of the movements of your baby every day. Try drinking a sugary beverage when you’re feeling worried about your baby’s condition. If your baby perks up, then everything is still good.
If you feel that there is an unusual change or pattern in his or her behavior and movement, call your doctor immediately.
Undergo Perineal Massage
The perineum refers to the area between the anus and the vagina. Massaging this area regularly before your due date will reduce the chances of undergoing episiotomy or cutting the perineum on the birth table.
Pick a Pediatrician
If you still have not decided who your pediatrician will be, then this is the perfect time to do so. You don’t have the assurance that your baby will still be inside your womb in the coming days.
Ask your family members and friends for pediatrician referrals. However, don’t just rely on their word. You still need to call and meet up with this person before you ask for their services. Gauge whether you are comfortable with them or not. You should this factor take into consideration so that you’ll feel less stressed.
Drink Plenty of Vitamin B6
It’s a great idea to fill yourself with an adequate supply of pyridoxine to up your protein levels. Pyridoxine is a vitamin known as B6; both you and your baby need to use the protein it provides for cell-building jobs. You’ll find this type of vitamin in wheat germ, bananas, avocados, soybeans, bran, brown rice, tomatoes, oatmeal, watermelon, meat, and spinach.
Pack Your Birth Bags
You need to pack your birth bag as early as now since you don’t know when your baby will come out. This strategy will also put less stress on your partner. Here are some of the things that you might want to include in your birth bag:
- Copy of your birth plan
- Insurance information
- Toiletries such as toothbrush and deodorant
- Comfortable pajamas
- Books
- Slippers
- Something that will relax you during labor
- Jacket or sweater
- Charger
- Pregnancy pillow
Hurrah! You’re almost at the finish line. Do not stress yourself too much; just enjoy the last couple of weeks as a pregnant mom. You’ll see your bundle of joy in no time!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe to deliver at 36 weeks?
It is relatively safe to deliver a baby at 36 weeks, although there are some risks. Possible complications include sepsis, low birth weight, jaundice, developmental delay, and worst, death. In cases of problems for babies born at 36 weeks, a baby might be admitted into a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
What does my baby look like in the womb at 36 weeks?
At 36 weeks, a baby weighs around 6 lbs. The baby is approximately the size that he will be when he’s born. The head might be already the size of romaine lettuce. Also, the skull is fully developed, although it has not fused together yet.
What happens in 36th week of pregnancy?
At 36 weeks, there may be an increase in fetal movement. You may sometimes feel heartburn or indigestion since the stomach gets pushed by the growing uterus. Also, there might be vaginal discharge caused by the dilation.
How did you feel at 36 weeks pregnant?
Contractions increase at 36 weeks. Since the belly is almost at its full size now, you may easily feel tired. You will also feel the frequent need to pee because the baby might be putting pressure on your bladder.
Which week is best for delivery?
39 weeks is the best time to deliver the baby. At this point, the baby’s body parts are fully developed including the brain, liver, lungs, and other organs. Babies born earlier are more prone to complications than those born at a later time.
Can you tell if baby will come early?
There are signs to look out for to know if the baby is arriving early. The signs to watch out for include water breaking, low progesterone levels, multiple births, amniotic fluid levels, and contraction intensity.
What determines when a baby is ready to be born?
There are factors to consider to know if the baby is ready for birth. If you are experiencing contractions, the birth may be fast approaching. Also, usually, the baby starts to settle into position. Eventually, you might experience some spotting, and then finally when your water breaks, you know it’s time.
Is a 36 week ultrasound necessary?
Yes, an ultrasound at 36 weeks is necessary. Ultrasound at this time can determine whether the baby is in a breech position that requires special attention, or in a normal position for birth.