Congratulations to you, proud mommy! Surely, you are so excited that you have already downloaded all the apps related to pregnancy. Your phone is complete with apps that will track your baby’s growth. Above all, we’re certain that you have consulted online pregnancy calculator to know better when your delivery date will be.
We know you are not content with the doctor’s date assessment, so you’ve consulted one or two popular apps of your choice. However, not all pregnancy calculators offer the same features. To get the best among these freeware, let us consider the following:
Week-By-Week Pregnancy Progress Information Availability
Good pregnancy calculator should update you with the weekly happenings and developments in your womb. Consider one app complete with pictures so that you can envision the changes week by week. The calculator should indicate the size and weight of your baby, the body parts formed, and the movements that he or she can do inside your womb.
Furthermore, a lot of pregnancy calculator would include a Last Menstrual Period (LMP) calculation. You can use this to calculate your due date with the addition of 280 days. Then add it to your last menstrual period. You may have identified your date of conception. However, you can calculate your due date by adding 266 days. The conception involves the insemination, ovulation, and egg retrieval.
Meanwhile, you can use the reverse calculation method. That is if your doctor has calculated your due date from the ultrasound. This will be during your first trimester. Pregnancy calculators should provide an estimated date of your LMP using your current gestational age.
Most quality pregnancy calculators will allow you to calculate your gestation. This typically stretches from the past or to a future date. You can use either of the two methods mentioned in your calculator to substantiate this.
Do’s And Don’ts In Pregnancy Calculators
The perfect calculator should instantly display the inclusive dates of your baby’s arrival. As you and your unborn progress, the number of do’s and don’ts—most especially the latter—is also increasing. The food intake, the intensity of workouts, the vitamins you should take, and your daily work will and should change. Make sure that your app does more than compute the date of delivery.
If you prefer a more physical pregnancy calculator, you may want to keep Ezyaid Pregnancy Wheel in hand. You can order this pregnancy wheel on Amazon.
The best pregnancy calculators should know how to advise you as your little one grows in your tummy. According to Sherry Ross, MD, “A pregnancy app is a must for pregnant women.” Pregnancy calculators should care for you like it is your compact doctor that you can partly consult whenever you are.
Genuine High Reviews And App Ratings
Go to your app store and look at how users rate your chosen or shortlisted list of pregnancy calculators. Most likely, they will state in the comments section all the reasons why they rated it lower than average. Find all the lacking features of the pregnancy calculators. Then, weigh them according to the importance of their pros and cons.
You may find the best app for you among the top-rated pregnancy calculators. Make sure not only to check the reviews and rating. But also to see firsthand how they work. If the app is free, it can help to try them out to see if it suits your needs and personal taste.
Pregnancy Calculators With Complete Reminders
Pregnancy calculators should inform or alert you of the important dates in your pregnancy journey. It should remind you of all the checkups and tests that you have to undergo before and after the baby arrives.
Aside from reminding you of the tests and scans, it’s better if your app can also give you essential tips on what to expect during your labor all the things that you should pack for when that time comes so that you could prepare for what’s coming sooner. MotherToBaby launched an app that provides useful and reliable information for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Ruta Nonacs, MD Ph.D. says “It’s a good resource for women who are pregnant or planning to conceive.”
Pregnancy Calculators User-Friendliness
Some mothers-to-be want their pregnancy calculators to be pleasing to the eyes. While almost all apps of this type are aesthetically appealing to mothers, there are still some who want a customized one.
Some may want lesser pictures while some may prefer not too many numbers displayed. It is now all up to you as long as you can understand the technicalities these calculators intend for you to know about.
We know very well how much you want to see your baby right now. Pregnancy calculators should more than give you your expected dates of delivery. OB-GYN at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Michael Cackovic, MD says, “The reality is that about 70% of women will have their baby within 10 days of their due date.” It can also pass as a good guide while waiting for your baby. Some apps incorporate lists of baby names, baby room decor ideas, and other interesting stuff worth checking out. So make your choice now and download your preferred app!
Pregnancy Calculators FAQs
How do you calculate how many weeks pregnant you are?
The counting of pregnancy weeks begins on the first day of the last menstrual period. The due date is around 40 weeks from that date.
What day did I get pregnant?
A baby is conceived when an egg is fertilized during the ovulation period. This period happens 10 days after the first day of the last menstrual cycle. Conception, on the other hand, happens around 11-21 days after the first day of the last menstrual cycle.
How can I tell if I’m pregnant after 1 week?
Early pregnancy symptoms include nausea, mood swings, food aversions, fatigue, bloating, and missed period. During the first week, some women experience spotting and cramps which are often mistaken as ordinary menstrual cycle discomfort. As to when these symptoms will be felt varies among women. Some experience these as early as one week into the pregnancy while some won’t feel until around the fourth week.
How soon will a pregnancy test read positive?
The pregnancy test will read positive as soon as there are detectable levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It usually takes around 10 days after missing the period.
Which baby will born soon Boy or girl?
To know whether you are going to have a boy or a girl is through a genetic blood test, amniocentesis, and ultrasound. Baby girls tend to be born earlier than baby boys because girls mature earlier.
How long should you keep sperm inside to get pregnant?
If an egg is ready, conception may occur as fast as three minutes after the sexual intercourse. The sperm has the ability to survive for five days in the female reproductive system.
How do you know when you’ve conceived?
You will know if you’ve conceived when you experience early signs of pregnancy like bloating, sensitivity to smell, tenderness of breasts, and missed period. These symptoms are caused by pregnancy hormones.
When did I most likely get pregnant?
Women are most fertile during ovulation which happens 12 to 14 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle. It is less likely to get pregnant after the period, although it may happen.
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